Membership in the Kingston Handloom Weavers and Spinners Guild is open to any individual with an interest in studying and promoting the art and craft of handloom weaving and spinning as well as basketry, felting, dyeing and finger weaving.
All members have the following rights and advantages:
1. Those over the age of 18 have the right to attend and vote at monthly meetings
2. The right to rent equipment from the Guild. KHWS has an extensive inventory of equipment available for use including spinning wheels, a variety of looms including a 100” wide loom for blanket and table cloth weaving
3. Access to a large library of books, periodicals, DVDs and samples. This includes borrowing privileges
4. The receipt of a newsletter
5. Access to the studio during normal opening hours of the J.K.Tett Centre. After-hours access can be arranged.
6. The right to exhibit and sell approved items at all Guild exhibits and sales.
Outreach Activities
KHWS is very well known in the Kingston Community. Each year members of the Guild participate in the Sheep to Shawl Competition at the annual Grass Creek Sheepdog Trials and partner with other organizations sponsoring a variety of other events.
Skill Development
The members of KHWS collectively hold a treasure trove of experience and knowledge.
Through our mentoring programs, help with project difficulties becomes as easy as a phone call or a visit to an Open Studio. Each year KHWS presents a wide variety of workshops and seminars and members have preferred access to these events. Open studio, meeting programs, study groups and sharing opportunities all combine to provide excellent skill development opportunities.
New or renewing members
Membership fees are determined each year by the Board of Directors and approved by the general membership. Our membership year spans June 1 - May 31 The annual membership fee for 2024-2025 has been set at $65 + HST = $73.45 per individual
- Complete this online information form
- If you prefer, you may download and print the KHWS MembershipForm 2024-25 to include with your payment. There are also print copies of this form available in the studio. If you require a different format, please contact
- Choose a payment option (note: no e-transfers)
- cash delivered to the studio (correct change please) - a receipt will be given
- cheque payable to KHWS mailed or delivered to the studio - a receipt will be given
- Online payment button (see link below).
- There is a processing fee of $2.50 for this option. A receipt will be given.
Online Payment (via square) - KHWS Membership 2024- 2025
Thank you for joining our Guild. We look forward to many opportunities to create, connect, contribute, learn and share together.